Hirschmann BRS20-08009999-STCZ99HHSES Hloov
Lus piav qhia luv luv:
Hirschmann BOBCAT Hloov yog thawj qhov ua kom muaj kev sib txuas lus hauv lub sijhawm siv TSN. Txhawm rau txhawb nqa kev sib txuas lus hauv lub sijhawm tiag tiag hauv cov chaw tsim khoom, lub zog Ethernet network nraub qaum yog qhov tseem ceeb. Qhov kev tswj xyuas kev sib cog lus no tso cai rau kev nthuav dav bandwidth los ntawm kev kho koj SFPs los ntawm 1 txog 2.5 Gigabit - tsis tas yuav hloov cov khoom siv.
Product Detail
Khoom cim npe
Hnub tim Commerial
Technical Specifications
Khoom piav qhia
Kev piav qhia | Fast Ethernet Hom |
Port hom thiab kom muaj nuj nqis | 8 Ports nyob rau hauv tag nrho: 8x 10 / 100BASE TX / RJ45 |
Hwj chim kev xav tau
Ua haujlwm voltage | 2 x 12 VDC... 24 VDC |
Kev siv fais fab | 6 W |
Fais fab tso zis hauv Btu (IT) h | 20 |
Hloov | Kev ywj pheej VLAN Kev Kawm, Kev Laus sai, Static Unicast/Multicast Chaw Nyob Nkag, QoS / Chaw Ua Haujlwm Ua Ntej (802.1D/p), TOS / DSCP Kev Ua Ntej, Interface Trust Mode, CoS Queue Management, Queue-Shaping / Max. Queue Bandwidth, Flow Control (802.3X), Egress Interface Shaping, Ingress Storm Protection, Jumbo Frames, VLAN (802.1Q), GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP), Suab VLAN, GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP), IGMP Snooping/Querier rau VLAN (v1/v2/v3), Unknown Multicast Filtering, Ntau VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP), Multiple MAC Registration Protocol (MMRP), Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP), |
Rov qab | HIPER-Nplhaib (Nplhaib Hloov), Txuas Txuas Txuas nrog LACP, Txuas Txuas Txuas, Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) (IEC62439-2), Kev Sib Txuas Sib Txuas Sib Txuas, RSTP 802.1D-2004 (IEC62439-1), RSTP Guards |
Kev tswj hwm | Dual Software Image Support, TFTP, SFTP, SCP, LLDP (802.1AB), LLDP-MED, SSHv2, HTTP, HTTPS, Traps, SNMP v1/v2/v3, Telnet |
Kev kuaj mob | Kev Tswj Chaw Nyob Tsis Pom Zoo, MAC Kev Ceeb Toom, Kev Tiv Thaiv Kev Tiv Thaiv, Kev Ntsuas Cov Cuab Yeej, TCPDump, LEDs, Syslog, Kev Nkag Mus Nkag Siab ntawm ACA, Kev Saib Xyuas Chaw nres nkoj nrog Auto-Disable, Txuas Flap Detection, Overload Detection, Duplex Mismatch Detection, Txuas Ceev thiab Duplex Monitoring, RMON (1,2,3,9), Port Mirroring 1:1, Port Mirroring 8: 1, Chaw nres nkoj Mirroring N: 1, Chaw nres nkoj Mirroring N: 2, Cov Ntaub Ntawv Txheej Txheem, Kev Ntsuas Tus Kheej ntawm Kev Pib Txias, SFP Kev Tswj Xyuas, Kev Tshawb Fawb Kev Tshawb Fawb, Hloov Pob Tseg |
Kev teeb tsa | Tsis Siv Neeg Configuration Undo (roll-rov qab), Configuration Fingerprint, Text-based Configuration File (XML), Backup config on a remote server when save, Clear config but keep IP settings, BOOTP/DHCP Client with Auto-Configuration, DHCP Server: per Chaw nres nkoj, DHCP Server: Pools per VLAN, AutoConfiguration Adapter ACA21/22 (USB), HiDiscovery, Kev them nyiaj yug USB-C Kev Tswj Xyuas, Kev Sib Txuas Lus Sib Tham (CLI), CLI Scripting, CLI tsab ntawv tuav ENVM thaum khau raj, Kev Txhawb nqa MIB Tag Nrho, Cov ntsiab lus-sensitive Pab, HTML5 raws li Kev Tswj |
Kev ruaj ntseg | MAC-based Port Security, Chaw nres nkoj-based Access Control nrog 802.1X, Guest/unauthenticated VLAN, Integrated Authentication Server (IAS), RADIUS VLAN Assignment, Tsis kam lees-ntawm-Kev Pabcuam Tiv Thaiv, DoS Tiv Thaiv Drop Counter, VLAN-based ACL, Ingress VLAN -raws li ACL, Basic ACL, Kev nkag mus rau kev tswj hwm txwv tsis pub los ntawm VLAN, Ntaus Kev Ruaj Ntseg, Kev Tshawb Fawb Txoj Kev, CLI Logging, HTTPS Certificate Management, Restricted Management Access, Tsim Nyog Siv Banner, Configurable Password Policy, Configurable Number of Login Attempts, SNMP Logging, Multiple Privilege Levels, Local User Management, Remote Authentication of RADIUS, User Account Locking, Password change on first login |
Lub sijhawm synchronization | Buffered Real Time Clock, SNTP Client, SNTP Server |
Muaj Profiles | EtherNet/IP raws tu qauv |
Lwm yam | Kev Tswj IO Digital, Kev Taw Qhia Cable Hla, Chaw nres nkoj fais fab tuag PoE (802.3af), PoE + (802.3at), PoE + Kev Tswj Xyuas Hluav Taws Xob, PoE Fast Startup |
Ambient tej yam kev mob
Ua haujlwm kub | 0 - + 60 ° C |
Cia / thauj kub | -40 - + 70 ° C |
Kev tsim kho tshuab
Qhov ntev | 73 mm x 138 mm x 115 mm |
Qhov hnyav | 420g ua |
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